
Ekidastuz College of Innovative University of Eurasia - a sign of the best education!

An external visit took place on November 5-8, 2018 within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation. The visit was conducted by an expert group formed by the IQAA to assess the content of the submitted report on self-assessment of college activities for compliance with the standards and criteria of institutional and specialized accreditation.

During the interviews, it was noted that the collectivity of students and teachers of the college have a high level of corporate spirit, and the head of the college creates and promotes the development of a favorable psychological and pedagogical atmosphere in the team for the preparation of future specialists.

It was also noted that the development of work curricula takes into account the interests of employers, to ensure communication with the production and objectivity of knowledge assessment to the training process involved practitioners. There is a positive trend in the participation of teachers and college students in educational and methodological events at various levels.

By decision of the meeting of the Accreditation Council of Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), eight educational programs of nine qualifications of Ekidastuz College of Innovative University of Eurasia are accredited! The accreditation period is 5 years.

Accredited educational programs:

  • 0101000 - “Pre-school education and training”, 0101013 The teacher of pre-school organizations
  • 0105000 - “Primary Education”, 0105013 Teacher of Primary Education
  • 0105000 - “Primary Education”, 0105033 Teacher of foreign language in primary school
  • 0111000 - “Basic secondary education”, 0111013 Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature
  • 0401000 - “Library studies”, qualification 0401013 “Librarian”
  • 0201000 - “Jurisprudence”, 020102 3 Legal Counsel
  • 0516000 - “Finance”, 051605 3 Economist for financial operations
  • 0901000 - "Electrical equipment of power stations and networks", with qualification 0901043 "Electrical Technician"
  • 1304000 - “Computer equipment and software” qualification 1304433 “Information security technician”
  • Congratulations to all the teaching and student staff of our college with a successful accreditation!

    Deputy Director for SW: B. Spankulova

    Certificate of Institutional Accreditation